Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure that promises to bring the sperm and the egg closer together than would typically be possible in natural circumstances. It is a process in which concentrated motile sperm collected from the male partner are injected directly into the female partner’s uterus. By timing the procedure to coincide with ovulation, IUI attempts to bring the sperm and the egg near each other, resulting in a potential union. IUI is a favorable treatment in Bangalore at Tamara Hospital, especially in cases where the male partner has been diagnosed with low sperm reserves, or the female partner suffers from endometriosis or ovulatory dysfunction.

Is IUI right for you?

Intrauterine insemination is a relatively affordable fertility treatment, and many individuals or couples will choose to try IUI before moving forward with the more intensive and expensive IVF process. When you weigh the benefits of IUI, including the lower cost, lower time commitment, and lower stress, you can see why many individuals and couples opt to try IUI first.

Since each individual is different, your doctor can provide a more accurate estimate of your expected success rate with IUI. Ask your doctor for more information about the number of inseminations/number of IUI cycles that are right for you.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
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